Whitish Truffle

Whitish Truffle
The Tuber Albidum Pico, commonly called Tartufo Bianchetto/Whitish Truffle, presents fairly strong aroma, a bit 'spicy and garlicky but pleasant in moderate amounts and can be cooked in the same way as the white truffle. His collection period runs from early December to late April, but can vary from area to area. The land where it collects is very varied, sandy-loam, sandy just like in the coasts or limestone-clay and you can also find in very dry soils in summer.
Main feauteres:
- Middleweight: 5-60 gr.
- Fruiting body: 1-5 cm, of variable size, underground, globose or subglobose, no orifices or cavities.
- Collection period: from January to April.
- Collection regions: Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Campania, Molise.
- Period: Thin (250-500 uM thick), smooth, pruinose, white, light yellow brown, or yellow-brown, pseudoparenchimatic structure with rounded cells.
- Gleba: It looks marbled whitish veins and white-red of purplish-brown or reddish-brown background.
- Smell: characteristic intense and garlicky, but pleasant.
- Spore: 18-37 x 18-30 pm, ellipsoidal or subglobose, yellow-brown mass, finely alveolate-crosslinked, ornamentations long 2-7 pm, meshes of large 3-9 uM lattice.
- Aschi: usually with 1-4 spores, globular, 63-106 x 42-90 pm, shortly stalked.
- Cistidi: present outside the period, 39-80 x 3-6 pm.