The Caviar
A treasure for your palate
A treasure for your palate
We obtain the precious eggs from the end of aroma we call caviar from sturgeon fish,
living mainly in the deeper waters of the Caspian Sea.
From the seventeenth century, this food became a favorite delicacy and Russian aristocracy, especially after the October Revolution, it became a real
fashion, which also came into the European culinary culture.
Since then, caviar was inevitable to gala dinners and receptions, and more important, even today, is considered worldwide a rare delicacy: a small
luxury to be granted to the delight of the palate.
Agostini Tartufi offers top-quality caviar. Among the major product lines, available in different variants, we find:
Iranian caviar farming, Italian caviar farming and caviar of farming world.
All these products, are processed by the greatest Iranian masters salatori,whose winning weapon remains the care in the selection:
only that part of the Iranian caviar Shilat (Organization of the Iranian State Fishing) that exceeds the stringent test criteria of
freshness, taste, color and size can be branded and sold.
The most prized caviar comes from sturgeon Beluga, Asetra e Sevruga.
BELUGA (Huso Huso)
Is the biggest fish among those that give us the caviar and the only predator. Rare, she lives more than 100 years and only 15 becomes mature. it is appreciated
for its large grains (2.5mm) and its tender skin. In order to fully enjoy its extremely delicate flavor, it is advisable to consume this caviar
ASETRA (Acipenser Persicus)
Has a weight of nearly 3 mm, of the array that varies from golden brown to almost black. Its special walnut aftertaste is also distinguishable in elaborate dishes.

SEVRUGA (Acipenser Stellatus)
It produces a caviar dark gray, with a grain of about 1.5mm, sought after for its fine aroma. If not for its small size, could be considered the most delicious caviar thanks to the delicate flavor that distinguishes it. It should pull over at fairly neutral taste like mashed potatoes or fresh crème.