Uncinate Truffle

Uncinate Truffle
The Tartufo Uncinatum, commonly called Tartufo Uncinato/Uncinate Truffles, is very similar to the summer truffle, so much so that some experts to consider it almost a variant of the latter. The Glebe is darker than that of the Black Summer, almost chocolate brown in mature specimens, the surface is wrinkled.
Main features:
- Middleweight: 5-200 gr.
- Fruiting body: 5-15 cm.
- Collection period: from September to December.
- Collection regions: Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise.
- Period: With warts do not striated crosswise.
- Glebe: Darker than the summer truffle, almost chocolate brown in mature specimens.
- Smell:stronger and more pleasant than the summer truffle.
- Spore: with grid more developed than in T. aestivum, often two times higher, with pockets with curved edges a hook.