Summer Truffle

Summer Truffle
The Tuber Aestivum Vitt, commonly called Tartufo Nero Estivo/Summer Truffle, well it is known among connoisseurs of truffles with the vulgar name of "Scorzone", the Tuber Aestivum Vitt stands out because of some features including glebe yellow-dirty / brown color, the peridium warty and black, its period of maturity, which is the summer (at the origin of the name). It is one of the species less valuable of its kind, although it is a good edible fungus.
Main features:
- Middleweight: 5-200 gr.
- Fruiting body: 5-15 cm, tuberous shape, sometimes kidney-shaped, with cavities or baseline depression.
- Collection period: from May to November.
- Collection regions: Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise.
- Period: With warts do not striated crosswise.
- Gleba: Nutty color, more or less yellowish in mature specimens, often lighter in color, it is crossed by numerous whitish veins, more or less subtle, branched and anastomosed.
- Smell: delicate and pleasant, a bit 'fungus.
- Spore: Dark-yellow mass, rounded or subovali, 18-41 x 14-32 pm, irregularly reticulate or blister, with very short papillae and few spines.
- Aschi: Slightly pedunculated or globular, 60-95 x 50-80 pm, mono or tetrasporic rarely esasporici.