Black Truffle

Black Truffle
The Tuber Melanosporum, commonly called Nero Pregiato/Black Truffle, sometimes confused with black Norcia truffle, it has a glebe of brownish-gray or gray-smoke color, with white veins sparser and coarser than the precious black, large white areas which determine the points where converge. The surface appears finely black warty, brownish in younger fish.
Main features:
- Middleweight: 10-200 gr.
- Fruiting body: 2-8 cm, Spherical or sub-globose, usually small in size.
- Collection period: from November to March.
- Collection regions: Piedmont, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise.
- Period:Finely warty, with roughly polygonal warts, low, broad at the base of 1 to 3 mm, with flattened apex, can be removed from serfdom, black, black-brown in young specimens, often occurs on a small cavity surface to which branch sterile hyphae.
- Glebe: Gray-brown or gray-smoke, with white veins sparser and coarser than the truffle of Norcia, which determine large white areas at the points where converge.
- Smell: strong, pleasant, nutty immature; in mature specimens recalls that of turnip.
- Spore: ellipsoidal, ocher colored (15) 20-42 x 15-30 pm, smaller in size than those of the other truffles, covered with long spines 4 microns.
- Aschi: globular or sub-elliptical, shortly stalked or sessile, 65-90 x 55-65 pm, from mono to esasporici.